JPNZ Mazda Bongo Friendee 2.0 / 2.5, 1995-2000
Mazda Bongo Friendee English language owners handbook - 2.0 / 2.5, all models, 1995 - 2000
! Mazda Bongo Friendee Vehicle models : 1995 - 2000 KD-SGLR, KD-SGL3, KD-SGL5, KD-SGLW, KE-SGLW, E-SG5W, E-SGEW FWD & 4WD Engine variants : FE-E, J5-D, WL-T petrol and diesel 2.0 and 2.5
A5, card-backed, 220 pages - a faithful translation of the original Japanese owners handbook as first supplied with the new car, taking you through the many aspects of your vehicle.